Friday, February 28, 2014

My Week and A Promise

So I did keep my check list of cleaning out my car last weekend! (Yay me!) After cleaning my car out I had a moment of "crap! of course NOW I need something that was in there!" I substitute taught this week and another teacher called in sick late so the substitute coordinator came to my room to ask if I could go sub for that class since it was my prep period. I didn't mind. I forgot I had lunch duty I didn't have a chance to go get anything to eat so I had to wait until I got off after "bridge duty" (just making sure kids don't act up while on the bridge waiting for their parents) to go get food. Normally I would have (and have now put back into my car) some sort of breakfast bar. When I cleaned my car out I threw away and took out a lot of things...such as my emergency nutri-grain bar. Everything ended up fine though. The week went by relatively well and I really enjoyed my time subbing! (maybe this means I have some idea I want to do...)
Now to the promise. It has been 10 days since my last post when I stated I would get better at posting and I am promising to set an alarm to post at least once a week. The teacher I substituted for has the kids do a daily journal entry usually off a prompt which I did end up getting several, while some may not be perfect for me or more tailored to the kids some could work. Some of my posts might be a bit random but I do promise to post more often for the few readers I do have. Keep in touch! Have a great weekend! (I am spending mine with some sorority sisters and a best friend who is turning a year older!) 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Opps! Sorry Y'all!

I am sorry it has been a bit since my last post.  I really have no excuse other than laziness.  Here is a simple run down of my Thursday through Saturday.  Thursday I substitute taught for the afternoon for a first grade class. I was so worn out after an afternoon!  I already had major respect for teachers anyways but ultra ultra props to teachers that do that everyday.  Friday (Valentine's Day) I substitute taught for middle school English.  I went home and had a lovely evening watching Netflix and Hulu.  Saturday started the fun! As a family we took a concealed carry class. They had a pet pig at their home (where we shot at the targets) and I got to pet the pig! For all those that don't know me I want a potbelly pig when I can finally have a pet and be financially responsible.  That evening I went to Hot Springs with some friends to see an improv group and to celebrate our Galentine's Day. We had a blast and exchanged gifts.  Pictures to come!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Finally Friday

This week has been.... interesting to say the very least.  It started as a normal work week but was interrupted with SNOW on a Monday evening that actually STUCK!  In Arkansas that is cause for a shutdown.  I got to spend some very quality time with a friend. We ran several errands, she introduced me to a new store that I LOVED.  I found a few tips on blogging and read a few blogs that I love and will continue to read.  I also brainstormed a few ideas so hopefully better blog post will come soon.  As I am working on this post I am cleaning out my phone (aka camera) to be able to post some pictures.  It is chilly here and with the snow my plans for the next post might end up being changed. My family was going to visit my paternal grandparents and practice shooting before we go take our concealed carry license test next weekend (can't wait to check that off my bucket list), but with the weather it looks like that might be a no go.  I am also planning out my accessories and nails for next Saturday night with the girls but I also am hoping for pictures of me shooting a gun and such so outfit choices are going to be interesting... especially with my nail polish obsession.  Fair warning though I am not a makeup and hair type of girl so I will do the best I can and recruit sorority sisters to help me out on this front as well.   Well that is all for now. I am going to go brainstorm and work through some ideas and try to fix up the blog's look. Here goes nothing.