Saturday, October 11, 2014

October Goals

So I am making a goals list for October. I think I can get them all done... fingers crossed!
1.) Start working on Christmas gifts...  I know it is early but I need to start so I am not so behind.
2.) Come up with a cute homecoming outfit. (Let's hope!)
3.) Halloween costume. I know what I want to be... Hopefully I can find everything
4.) Plan Thanksgiving with the girls
5.) Do 2 pinterest projects
6.) Be a tourist in Little Rock
7.) 1 act of kindness
8.) Start planning my birthday
9.) Do something fall-esque

Monday, October 6, 2014

ABC's of me

A - Age: 24 and looking forward to 25. 
B - Birthday: March 5th 
C - Color: Pink
D - Drink: vanilla diet dr pepper usually purchased at Sonic
E - Eyes: Brown 
F - Flashback: when I was a senior in high school because I am currently subbing for a previous teacher's son's class. (Mouthful right?!) 
G - Gent: my little brother I miss him because he hasn't been able to come home much this semester 
H - Hobby: Cooking, baking, shopping
I - Indulgence: Sweets. 
J - Job: substitute teacher and administrative worker
K - Kiddos: None. I will eventually have a pig
L - Love: My family (which includes my sisters) and friends!
M Music: anything. At all. Really. 
N - Nickname: pepper for my slight obsession with dr pepper while in college (from my big)
O - One Wish: To keep having good days.
P - Pets: None of my own but I love Buck (my grandparents' dog) 
Q - Quotation: changes weekly. 
R - Residence: my childhood home while looking for that job
S - Siblings: younger brother and sorority sisters who might as well be family.
T - Temperature: 66° F
U - University: Henderson State University 
V - Vehicle: Mustang GT.
- Worst Habit: biting my nails and overthinking things
X X-ray?: A few times
Y - Yuck: Smokers and 
Z - Zodiac: Pisces