Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The 2015 goals

So this past year has been difficult.  I lost a family member to cancer, another close friend found out that she has breast cancer (and she was under 30 years old!! self exam ladies, SELF EXAM) I also had my car completely die. It is still been an adventure.  I was planning on attending a trip, then I got the flu... I now a have palne ticket any suggestions on where I should go?  I was honored to be asked if I would be a bridesmaid in two weddings this summer.  I grew up with both of these amazing women. Another friend competed in several pageants this year and I got to attend one with her.  It was interesting.  She also won a title Miss Arkansas Merry Christmas. We are all so proud of her.  I was on Facebook this past week and saw that a friend did something new every month.  I was very impressed with her and so encouraged to do the same thing this year.  I want to try that I have the rest of this month to do something new. It may not seem like a big thing or it may, and it may be something on my birthday list I am not sure yet but I cannot wait to figure out what it will be.  That is my main goal.  I also want to get more active and a bit healthier... I also know that that will not happen over night but I do plan on trying.  So here is to a hopefully unforgettable and adventurous year!


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Soooo I am a bridesmaid...

Well I have never been in a wedding as a bridesmaid.  Suddenly, I was asked last weekend by TWO friends.  I am thrilled for them both.  I am a planner, that is my thing.  It is something that I honestly struggle with in my daily life with God.  I like to know the plan and have a checklist but I can't know everything.  It stresses me. so back to the bridesmaid subject.  I am thrilled and one bride has her stuff together! I am thrilled about this! The other bride has her wedding a lot sooner than when the other's but has no idea about anything... That is stressing me... I am trying to figure everything out and I am so luck y to have a great friend that has been a bridesmaid in a ton of weddings and has offered her expertise.  She is going to help keep me sane through this whole thing.  I know they both have ideas for colors one is a plum color the other is a royal blue... So at least I can work with the colors! hahaha  anyways if you have any tips about being a bridesmaid let me know in the comments below!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Amy's Absolute Worst Day Ever

Sooo my day... Yesterday started out cold. I woke up and didn't want to get out of my warm(ish) bed... I told mom I would drive myself to work and I hear her go to start her van. She returns with "did you know your tire was flat? Not just low but pancake flat?" No I did not. I got ready in record time not feeling 100% because I am still getting over whatever I had from Tuesday. She says don't worry we won't stay long after work at your grandmother's. Ling day at work not feeling well moved on to that evening. We go to my grandmother's place of living and watch her eat. I am not feeling great I am tired my throat hurts and I am bleh. We stay with her we she goes to attend her pajama party. Finally we leave we stopped at Starbucks to get a peppermint hot chocolate and they gave us coffee well mom and I don't like coffee so we turned around and got it corrected. We make it to get my grandmother's car for me to drive today and the break light is on... It needs fluid so we go to Walmart to get fluid and a gas card because saving every cent helps. Then I lock. The keys to the car in the car with my cell phone. We got home last night around 9:30. To eat dinner. I was tired and it was probably one of my worse days ever but on a lovely brighter note today have been pretty good and I get to see a great friend tonight

Saturday, October 11, 2014

October Goals

So I am making a goals list for October. I think I can get them all done... fingers crossed!
1.) Start working on Christmas gifts...  I know it is early but I need to start so I am not so behind.
2.) Come up with a cute homecoming outfit. (Let's hope!)
3.) Halloween costume. I know what I want to be... Hopefully I can find everything
4.) Plan Thanksgiving with the girls
5.) Do 2 pinterest projects
6.) Be a tourist in Little Rock
7.) 1 act of kindness
8.) Start planning my birthday
9.) Do something fall-esque

Monday, October 6, 2014

ABC's of me

A - Age: 24 and looking forward to 25. 
B - Birthday: March 5th 
C - Color: Pink
D - Drink: vanilla diet dr pepper usually purchased at Sonic
E - Eyes: Brown 
F - Flashback: when I was a senior in high school because I am currently subbing for a previous teacher's son's class. (Mouthful right?!) 
G - Gent: my little brother I miss him because he hasn't been able to come home much this semester 
H - Hobby: Cooking, baking, shopping
I - Indulgence: Sweets. 
J - Job: substitute teacher and administrative worker
K - Kiddos: None. I will eventually have a pig
L - Love: My family (which includes my sisters) and friends!
M Music: anything. At all. Really. 
N - Nickname: pepper for my slight obsession with dr pepper while in college (from my big)
O - One Wish: To keep having good days.
P - Pets: None of my own but I love Buck (my grandparents' dog) 
Q - Quotation: changes weekly. 
R - Residence: my childhood home while looking for that job
S - Siblings: younger brother and sorority sisters who might as well be family.
T - Temperature: 66° F
U - University: Henderson State University 
V - Vehicle: Mustang GT.
- Worst Habit: biting my nails and overthinking things
X X-ray?: A few times
Y - Yuck: Smokers and 
Z - Zodiac: Pisces 

Monday, September 29, 2014

I am back!

Sorry I have been MIA for a while. School started back up and that means sorority life and Rush happened which means my life as an advisor got kicked back into overdrive! But I am so proud of my girls they got 13 girls which doesn't seem like much to some but that is a lot for us! To top off the craziness that IS new school year our sorority site that has everything on it has been going a bit haywire... But enough excuses here is what I am thrilled about:
It is Fall! Which is my second favorite season.  Winter is my favorite because I can breathe! I suffer from allergies and therefore I love winter because things are dead. Anyways, I am excited about all the season premieres happening right now. I enjoy watching tv. It is one of my things #sorrynotsorry 
I am also looking forward to the rich fall colors. Burgundy and deep plums so excited. And homecoming! That is going to be a fun day! What are yall looking forward to? 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Story time

So I have been thinking a lot about college and way back when since last weekend when I drove down to preform a wedding. So I figured I would tell y'all a hilarious story (to my friends and I) about my senior year... 
I was panicking AGAIN about graduating and leaving my lovely little apartment and friends and sisters and went to eat lunch with my big sis on her lunch break (loved that she got a job on campus) while I was waiting I saw a guy sitting in her office so I waited until she waved me in. It was one of out football players who was easily a foot taller and according to my little bro is on the offensive line. (Idk I just go with it) she introduced us and she and I left soon after. 
That evening I am driving with some friends and decided I needed to go to BCM last time I was freaking out it helped this time it would too! We walk in and it is CROUDED to say the very least. The girl I went with knows everyone so she we nt to make her rounds I went to quietly stand by a wall until we went in safely to our seats. Well she brought over the football player I met earlier that day. (I couldn't escape him?!) he goes "hey I met you! You're Shay!" Me: "we met but it is Amy not Shay..." Him: "I got 2 letters right..." I said okay I'll give you that and he promised to remember my name. After that we went to find a seat and because I am me we sat in the very back row and guess who ends up in the seat infront of us? That is right the footba player and his girlfriend. 
We go about singing and then it is time for the message. The speaker didn't have all his facts correct and I was attempting to quietly tell my friend "nope, okay that isn't right either, they did not that is how people today know which tribe they are from." 
Then he asked "what would you call my 14 year old daughter if she were in college?" Plenty of people answered "smart" "prodigy" "genius" 
Then there is me to my friend... "Jailbait." Apparently the football player had been leaning back to listen busted out laughing and got smacked by his girlfriend. Oops!