Sunday, November 23, 2014

Soooo I am a bridesmaid...

Well I have never been in a wedding as a bridesmaid.  Suddenly, I was asked last weekend by TWO friends.  I am thrilled for them both.  I am a planner, that is my thing.  It is something that I honestly struggle with in my daily life with God.  I like to know the plan and have a checklist but I can't know everything.  It stresses me. so back to the bridesmaid subject.  I am thrilled and one bride has her stuff together! I am thrilled about this! The other bride has her wedding a lot sooner than when the other's but has no idea about anything... That is stressing me... I am trying to figure everything out and I am so luck y to have a great friend that has been a bridesmaid in a ton of weddings and has offered her expertise.  She is going to help keep me sane through this whole thing.  I know they both have ideas for colors one is a plum color the other is a royal blue... So at least I can work with the colors! hahaha  anyways if you have any tips about being a bridesmaid let me know in the comments below!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Amy's Absolute Worst Day Ever

Sooo my day... Yesterday started out cold. I woke up and didn't want to get out of my warm(ish) bed... I told mom I would drive myself to work and I hear her go to start her van. She returns with "did you know your tire was flat? Not just low but pancake flat?" No I did not. I got ready in record time not feeling 100% because I am still getting over whatever I had from Tuesday. She says don't worry we won't stay long after work at your grandmother's. Ling day at work not feeling well moved on to that evening. We go to my grandmother's place of living and watch her eat. I am not feeling great I am tired my throat hurts and I am bleh. We stay with her we she goes to attend her pajama party. Finally we leave we stopped at Starbucks to get a peppermint hot chocolate and they gave us coffee well mom and I don't like coffee so we turned around and got it corrected. We make it to get my grandmother's car for me to drive today and the break light is on... It needs fluid so we go to Walmart to get fluid and a gas card because saving every cent helps. Then I lock. The keys to the car in the car with my cell phone. We got home last night around 9:30. To eat dinner. I was tired and it was probably one of my worse days ever but on a lovely brighter note today have been pretty good and I get to see a great friend tonight

Saturday, October 11, 2014

October Goals

So I am making a goals list for October. I think I can get them all done... fingers crossed!
1.) Start working on Christmas gifts...  I know it is early but I need to start so I am not so behind.
2.) Come up with a cute homecoming outfit. (Let's hope!)
3.) Halloween costume. I know what I want to be... Hopefully I can find everything
4.) Plan Thanksgiving with the girls
5.) Do 2 pinterest projects
6.) Be a tourist in Little Rock
7.) 1 act of kindness
8.) Start planning my birthday
9.) Do something fall-esque

Monday, October 6, 2014

ABC's of me

A - Age: 24 and looking forward to 25. 
B - Birthday: March 5th 
C - Color: Pink
D - Drink: vanilla diet dr pepper usually purchased at Sonic
E - Eyes: Brown 
F - Flashback: when I was a senior in high school because I am currently subbing for a previous teacher's son's class. (Mouthful right?!) 
G - Gent: my little brother I miss him because he hasn't been able to come home much this semester 
H - Hobby: Cooking, baking, shopping
I - Indulgence: Sweets. 
J - Job: substitute teacher and administrative worker
K - Kiddos: None. I will eventually have a pig
L - Love: My family (which includes my sisters) and friends!
M Music: anything. At all. Really. 
N - Nickname: pepper for my slight obsession with dr pepper while in college (from my big)
O - One Wish: To keep having good days.
P - Pets: None of my own but I love Buck (my grandparents' dog) 
Q - Quotation: changes weekly. 
R - Residence: my childhood home while looking for that job
S - Siblings: younger brother and sorority sisters who might as well be family.
T - Temperature: 66° F
U - University: Henderson State University 
V - Vehicle: Mustang GT.
- Worst Habit: biting my nails and overthinking things
X X-ray?: A few times
Y - Yuck: Smokers and 
Z - Zodiac: Pisces 

Monday, September 29, 2014

I am back!

Sorry I have been MIA for a while. School started back up and that means sorority life and Rush happened which means my life as an advisor got kicked back into overdrive! But I am so proud of my girls they got 13 girls which doesn't seem like much to some but that is a lot for us! To top off the craziness that IS new school year our sorority site that has everything on it has been going a bit haywire... But enough excuses here is what I am thrilled about:
It is Fall! Which is my second favorite season.  Winter is my favorite because I can breathe! I suffer from allergies and therefore I love winter because things are dead. Anyways, I am excited about all the season premieres happening right now. I enjoy watching tv. It is one of my things #sorrynotsorry 
I am also looking forward to the rich fall colors. Burgundy and deep plums so excited. And homecoming! That is going to be a fun day! What are yall looking forward to? 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Story time

So I have been thinking a lot about college and way back when since last weekend when I drove down to preform a wedding. So I figured I would tell y'all a hilarious story (to my friends and I) about my senior year... 
I was panicking AGAIN about graduating and leaving my lovely little apartment and friends and sisters and went to eat lunch with my big sis on her lunch break (loved that she got a job on campus) while I was waiting I saw a guy sitting in her office so I waited until she waved me in. It was one of out football players who was easily a foot taller and according to my little bro is on the offensive line. (Idk I just go with it) she introduced us and she and I left soon after. 
That evening I am driving with some friends and decided I needed to go to BCM last time I was freaking out it helped this time it would too! We walk in and it is CROUDED to say the very least. The girl I went with knows everyone so she we nt to make her rounds I went to quietly stand by a wall until we went in safely to our seats. Well she brought over the football player I met earlier that day. (I couldn't escape him?!) he goes "hey I met you! You're Shay!" Me: "we met but it is Amy not Shay..." Him: "I got 2 letters right..." I said okay I'll give you that and he promised to remember my name. After that we went to find a seat and because I am me we sat in the very back row and guess who ends up in the seat infront of us? That is right the footba player and his girlfriend. 
We go about singing and then it is time for the message. The speaker didn't have all his facts correct and I was attempting to quietly tell my friend "nope, okay that isn't right either, they did not that is how people today know which tribe they are from." 
Then he asked "what would you call my 14 year old daughter if she were in college?" Plenty of people answered "smart" "prodigy" "genius" 
Then there is me to my friend... "Jailbait." Apparently the football player had been leaning back to listen busted out laughing and got smacked by his girlfriend. Oops! 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Independence Day

July 4th
Do you know what your plans for the fourth are yet? I do! I also know have a vague idea about the next year. The 4th of July is my grandfather's birthday. Every year we drive an hour south to visit and eat steaks (the family) and rather chicken or a burger because I don't like steak. I always request Mac and cheese and mashed potatoes and I usually one if not both. 
I love getting to hangout with my family even though some years I am sad that I don't get to be with friends on the fourth celebrating. 
This year we are getting together 2 days once on the 4th for just the family and then the 5th for a surprise party for my grandfather with all of his friends from church and the community. I am rather excited because this means I get to wear an outfit that will be seen by more than the immediate family! So I have been on the lookout for about a month for an outfit and now only have a bout a week left. If you see anything please leave a comment for me! Anything is helpful! :) 

What's Up Wednesday

Feeling: Sore! I think it is because of my desk job but my lower back has been bugging me! 
Reading:  nothing still looking for that book... Ideas appreciated! 
Listening to: comedians on spotify, as well as finding out short stories are on there. 
Thankful for: friends that put up with my crazy such as "do y'all think is wear white converse or black ones more?" Legit convo we had via text today. 
Thinking about: What the best gift to get my friend for her birthday Friday. 
Eating: carrots and grapes. I have started weight watchers and love grapes and carrots 
Watching: I watched covert affairs last night not sure if I will continue this season as well as PLL. I am ready for more Ezra!  
Looking forward to: a birthday party this weekend! We are going to have a blast! 

I am looking for ideas for cute Independence Day outfits so if you see any that are cute but not too dressy (July 4th is my grandfathers bday more on that the next post!) comment a link for me! In this post or the next one! 
Have a great Wednesday and until next time!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Weekends and weddings

I was the officiant at a wedding this past weekend. I am so happy for my little sis and the sorority sweet heart! Congrats you two! 
Yes those are ducks! The bride is OBSESSED with rubber duckies! I got those for her right after she announced her engagement. I didn't think she would use them on the cake. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What's up Wednesday

Feeling: Tired, I have been going all week and trying to work out everyday this week. I keep reminding myself it will be worth it!
Reading: just finished a YA book by J. C. Isabella I love everything of hers I have read and this added a book to my 25 before 25! 
Listening to: Lucy Hale's new cd on spotify. 
Thankful for: friends who help keep me motivated! 
Watching: Pretty Little Liars 
Looking forward to: the bachelorette party I am throwing my little tomorrow and the wedding Saturday! 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dad. Great Teacher

This is all the things I have learned from my dad even if somethings are a bit strange...
1. Take a breath and talk slower when excited. 
2. Think past the door.
3. Kick a man when he is down, it gives him incentive to get up.
4. You aren't ALWAYS right. 
5. If in doubt blame the gnome
6. I am terrible at maintaining a lawn
7. Know your strengths
8. Don't be a quitter
9. Try your best
10. Your best might not always be the greatest
11. Family is important 
12. Know what you believe, be grounded in it and able to fight for it
13. Fight for your beliefs 
14. Long hair isn't everything but warn someone before you chop 18 inches off. 
15. Classic rock is always a good choice
16. So is country
17. Family always comes first. 
18. "We'll see" means "no"
19. "Go ask your mother" will lead to going back and forth before you both say "I don't care"
20. Be nice, but firm. Don't let people walk all over you.
21. There is an experation date on when parents can punish you for a bad life choice. 
22. Be smarter than the equipment you are working with regardless if it is a calculator or hammer. 
23. Don't get even; get ahead 
24. If you can't figure it out google or YouTube it! 
25. Travel and see the world not just the airports.
26. Know your limits 
27. Work hard, but know "bubba" 
28. You make the best spaghetti 
29. Always tell a military person "thank you"
30. Everything has a price. Make sure it is worth it. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Dance Party!

So I am not the biggest fan of exercise. It just isn't my thing. I hate running unless I have something to distract me. I have discovered that I enjoy Zumba and dancing. As long as I am distracted and thinking that it is just me having fun then I don't think about the exercise! I am having to recommit to my new year resolutions that I got distracted from and keep on them! I am excited to announce I will be going on a mission trip with a sorority sister's home church with her and few others to Jamaica to help out at an orphanage for about a week at the end of December and beginning of January I am so excited! So I am meeting with a sister tomorrow or Sunday to discuss our plans since she is going to be my accountability partner since she is going with me. Time to dust off my tiffany blue runnin shoes! 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What's up Wednesday


Feeling: frustrated. I can't seem to keep track of anything. I will be cleaning my room up soon! 
Reading: well rereading Percy Jackson series while looking for a new book. It will come to me I have faith... And hopefully suggestions! 
Listening to: Just Like Yesterday by Jesse Lee. It is perfect right now because I am seeing all sorts of friends from high school! I can't believe I graduated 6 years ago. With these friends things seem to pick up where we left them. 
Thankful for: my dad. 
Thinking about: dad again! It is almost Father's Day so I have every right! And I was offered and took the last spot on a mission trip with a sorority sister's church. I can't wait! 
Eating: nothing but craving some strawberry froyo with crushed Oreos on top. It is my go to whenever I go. 
Watching: Pretty Little Liars. the season premiere was last night. It was good but left me with SO MANY QUESTIONS! And Ezra I love you, and will have to write a strongly worded letter if you die. Seriously. 
Looking forward to: The rain being gone. I know we need it but it magnifies my allergies so much worse and I want to feel better soon! 

These are my Confessions

I have had that song stuck in my head for 2 days so why not make it the title of this post?! 
Happy national iced tea day! I am planning in grabbing a sweet tea at lunch today and enjoying my Tuesday (though it looks like rain...) going back to the confessions I figured I would let my readers (the few that I have) in on somethings that you may or may not know about me! 
• I like SWEET TEA. Like 2 cups sugar 1cuo tea. It isn't good for me I know but that is the way I like it. 
• I love love love sticky notes! 
• I enjoy laffy taffy jokes but hate taffy. 
• I love binge watching shows on Netflix. It is terrible but I can sit there for hours. 
• I am the planner in my group of friends, and it drives all of us crazy because none of the rest of them are! 
• What's in your bag posts ALWAYS get my attention. I love seeing what people carry around with them, then I clean out my purse. Every time. 
• I tend to set most of my clocks fast to try to be early or on time places. 
• I usually have my hair up in a ponytail or back I work at a computer and desk and it bugs me when my hair keeps falling into my face. 
• I am addicted to 3 shows: Pretty Little Liars (love it can't wait til tonight!!), Arrow (I get Felicity. I talk with my hands and my mouth thinks faster than my brain sometimes...) and Hart of Dixie (Rachel Bilson is my girl crush. I love her.) 
• I am still trying to figure out this blogging thing... Please y'all bear with me. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Friday catchup!

So it has almost been a month since my last post which is ridiculously long. Sorry bout that. This past weekend I had a wedding in Texas. It was lovely. Yesterday was insane so here we are today.  I absolutely love the "presently speaking" posts on the Duchess of Plumewood's blog and therefore using it as a template for my What's up Wednesday. (Hey I like it. It is funky but whatevs you know) anywho. We are starting this one a day late. I thought oh I am really going to love this whole blogging thing but I never comment on other blogs (I know I need to actually DO that to get my name out there I follow a lot and love reading them).

What's Up Wednesday:
Feeling: worn out. This week has been a tough one next week will be better. 
Reading: not sure I finished 2 books last weekend that were okay. Any suggestions out there? 
Listening to: Girls are Crazy by Joanna Smith. It has a good beat that helped this week along.
Thankful for: my little bro. I fell and scrapped my knee up REALLY bad. Being the athletic trainer major he took care of it.
Thinking about: Father's Day gifts. My dad is so difficult to buy for but I think I have an idea... Also I got an amazing offer from a friend this week that I am really considering (more to come soon promise!)
Eating: strawberries. I can't get enough! 
Loving: my friendships. I know that several friend will be there for me regardless! 
Watching: Arrow reruns. (CW love this show!) 
Looking forward to: Sunday meetup with the girls and getting more posts done. (Currently working on the next and carrying around a notebook.) 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Books and 25 before 25 Update

So on my 25 before 25 one of my goals was to read 25 books. I thought I would update y'all on what I have read.
I started with A Billion Reasons Why. It was a book I found at Mardels in the dolllar section. It was a good book a Christian romance book and I liked it. I read 2 1/2 books that were accompanyments to the other books in the selection series. So I am counting those as 1 and I did read the selection series which has 3 books with the 2 accompanying books. I LOVED the series. I would recommend the books to anyone. And yes I know it is a YA book but I like those books. So that is 5 down this far 20 more to go. I am still working on other aspects I have tried fish tacos which was a new food for me and I was surprised to like them! They were delicious! I have even made them a few times at home!,204,203,200_.jpg

Monday, April 28, 2014

I'm on bloglovin or trying to be!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
Follow me here hopefully! 

Arkansas Derby Day

Well this past Saturday a few friends and I celebrated the Arkansas Derby. We wore big hats and got all dressed up! 
This is the lovely Kaila drinking a tasty lemonade! 
Close up of the fresh squeezed lemonade cup. They were actually making it on one side of the stand with a massive line on the other side! 
Jennifer in her pretty pink hat! 
The three of us! My hat kept flying off because of the wind... 
Yes, we did wait in a line to take a picture with the horse! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

April Favorites

So it is officially a week into April as I type this and I keep seeing favorite lists or must have lists all several of the blogs I follow so I thought well I can tell y'all what I am obsessed with for the spring (well at least thus far...) 
1.) wedges.   Just bought a beautiful brown pair at Payless and I love them! 
2.) pastels (especially on nails!) 
3.) bold spring colors I am so excited about spring (even though my allergies are driving me NUTS!) 
4.) BASEBALL!!! As of April 1st, it is officially baseball season. Ready to cheer on the Rangers (and hopefully go to a game this season...) 
5.) I am also thrilled it is warm racing season! It happens to work out that nationals is visiting my sorority the same weekend it is Derby Day. 
6.) what's in the bag posts. I love these. I might even be posting one soon so stay tuned! 
What are you loving or looking forward to this month?! Let me know!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring Break... Wait I am post grad

So I substitute teach you know this if you have seen my twitter feed this past week with things my students have said. Well I had bridge duty which means watch the kids on the bridge and make sure they get in the right car... Why a substitute is doing this I am not sure; for all I know they are going home with their BFF. On Friday I was wishing them all a happy spring break and the last kid turned around (I sincerely hope trying to be nice, I am giving her the benefit of the doubt) and said "You too Miss Daniel! Oh wait you don't have spring break have fun at work!" Then got into her car and left. 
Well even if I don't have a spring break this year I did get to celebrate it for my grand lil and I on Saturday. We went to lunch (Tropical smoothie it was a new place for me but more about that in a later post) and then got pedicures! It was great I have missed her so much and it was awesome getting to catch up. I got a lovely coral color for spring. (Then it was too cold for the outfit I wanted to wear to go with it on Sunday to church grrrr.) I am looking forward to the bright as well as pastel colors for this spring and summer! What are/were your plans for spring break? Or if you are a post grad, do you have something special planned for this week even though you aren't off work? 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Wonderful Life

Well this past week was very interesting... We last left I found out I might have an infection... Turns out that was correct.  I went to see my ENT doctor (Ear Nose and Throat) and she told me she would have to cut it and drain it to help it feel better.  I was warned it would be painful and it was.  I was also told that my antibiotic might mess with my stomach and it did. So the trip I was planning for the weekend did not end up happening and I did not get to go to Texas. I was sad about that. But because there is a bright side to everything if we look hard enough, one of my best friends is getting to join me on my trip to Dallas.  Hannah was sad she could not go this weekend due to previous plans but we are thrilled to get to go together! She is awesome and we always have a blast when we are together. I am thrilled I will get to mark Road Trip off of my bucket list and hopefully trying a local cuisine.  (Maybe a few more if I am lucky!)  Y'all wish me luck and here is to a great rest of the month! OH and do not forget to wear GREEN (or Orange) on Monday!  and for those wondering the Orange was what the Protestants' color instead of the Catholic's green.
Learn something everyday.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Birthday Week Gone Awry

Well this past week I celebrated my 24th birthday. I decided I was going to do 25 things before I turned 25 (the bucket list). This weekend I spent my Friday evening with a sorority sister who treats me like a younger sister. She is not my "Big Sis" but I feel like she might as well be. I will explain more later. We got all dressed up to go out and hang out with some friends. The next day I had a family lunch which was lovely.  I also had a family from church invite me to see the Wizard of Oz with the music played by the Arkansas Symphony Orchastra. It was AMAZING!!! 
I love Judy Garland and my friends know I am obsessed with The Wizard of Oz. All night I had a pain in/on my face and nose I thought I had a horrid zit coming in so I didn't think much of it. The next morning I woke up to half of a swollen face and running a mid temperature and major pain. Apparently I got an infection. So my parents and I spent Sunday afternoon in the ER. I sent a text to my lovely big who knew I was having some pains in my face Friday and told her what happened after I got home. Her response was totally her.  "Oh my goodness!!  Please let me know if you need anything!!!!" I know she would do anything for me if I needed her, even though she is an hour and a half away. So thank you Jennifer. I appreciate you being there for me whenever I need guidance or a shoulder to cry on or need someone there to listen.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Bucket List

I have added a tab called bucket list to the blog. These are 25 things I want to do before I turn 25. I plan on writing about the things as I do them. Well at least some if them... My birthday is later this week! I am excited and nervous because it is the last "young" birthday my next is 25 and that is "the wrong side of twenty" according to my lovely younger friends. -_- but I am excited about it I think... I will keep y'all updated on my progress as I go! Wish me luck! 

Friday, February 28, 2014

My Week and A Promise

So I did keep my check list of cleaning out my car last weekend! (Yay me!) After cleaning my car out I had a moment of "crap! of course NOW I need something that was in there!" I substitute taught this week and another teacher called in sick late so the substitute coordinator came to my room to ask if I could go sub for that class since it was my prep period. I didn't mind. I forgot I had lunch duty I didn't have a chance to go get anything to eat so I had to wait until I got off after "bridge duty" (just making sure kids don't act up while on the bridge waiting for their parents) to go get food. Normally I would have (and have now put back into my car) some sort of breakfast bar. When I cleaned my car out I threw away and took out a lot of things...such as my emergency nutri-grain bar. Everything ended up fine though. The week went by relatively well and I really enjoyed my time subbing! (maybe this means I have some idea I want to do...)
Now to the promise. It has been 10 days since my last post when I stated I would get better at posting and I am promising to set an alarm to post at least once a week. The teacher I substituted for has the kids do a daily journal entry usually off a prompt which I did end up getting several, while some may not be perfect for me or more tailored to the kids some could work. Some of my posts might be a bit random but I do promise to post more often for the few readers I do have. Keep in touch! Have a great weekend! (I am spending mine with some sorority sisters and a best friend who is turning a year older!) 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Opps! Sorry Y'all!

I am sorry it has been a bit since my last post.  I really have no excuse other than laziness.  Here is a simple run down of my Thursday through Saturday.  Thursday I substitute taught for the afternoon for a first grade class. I was so worn out after an afternoon!  I already had major respect for teachers anyways but ultra ultra props to teachers that do that everyday.  Friday (Valentine's Day) I substitute taught for middle school English.  I went home and had a lovely evening watching Netflix and Hulu.  Saturday started the fun! As a family we took a concealed carry class. They had a pet pig at their home (where we shot at the targets) and I got to pet the pig! For all those that don't know me I want a potbelly pig when I can finally have a pet and be financially responsible.  That evening I went to Hot Springs with some friends to see an improv group and to celebrate our Galentine's Day. We had a blast and exchanged gifts.  Pictures to come!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Finally Friday

This week has been.... interesting to say the very least.  It started as a normal work week but was interrupted with SNOW on a Monday evening that actually STUCK!  In Arkansas that is cause for a shutdown.  I got to spend some very quality time with a friend. We ran several errands, she introduced me to a new store that I LOVED.  I found a few tips on blogging and read a few blogs that I love and will continue to read.  I also brainstormed a few ideas so hopefully better blog post will come soon.  As I am working on this post I am cleaning out my phone (aka camera) to be able to post some pictures.  It is chilly here and with the snow my plans for the next post might end up being changed. My family was going to visit my paternal grandparents and practice shooting before we go take our concealed carry license test next weekend (can't wait to check that off my bucket list), but with the weather it looks like that might be a no go.  I am also planning out my accessories and nails for next Saturday night with the girls but I also am hoping for pictures of me shooting a gun and such so outfit choices are going to be interesting... especially with my nail polish obsession.  Fair warning though I am not a makeup and hair type of girl so I will do the best I can and recruit sorority sisters to help me out on this front as well.   Well that is all for now. I am going to go brainstorm and work through some ideas and try to fix up the blog's look. Here goes nothing.

Monday, January 20, 2014

well here goes nothing

I am a twenty-something (don't we all just LOVE that term) that is wandering around trying to figure everything out as I go... I make mistakes and I am sure if I can actually keep up with this thing you, whoever you are, will read all about them.  My mistakes might make some laugh out loud, some cringe and some go "REALLY?! you cannot be this stupid!" but here we go. This is me. You will read my side of every story, which can be a bit biased. (I warned you up front can't say I didn't!) 

Today a friend and I had a discussion through text where I got to read the words 'I'm proud of you" she said she was proud because I am moving out of my comfort zone by substitute teaching at my old school.  my response was that I didn't know why she was so proud because I am just trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life and she said she was too.  She may never know how much that meant to me, to simply know that I am not the only one who has no idea what I want to do where I want to end up or how I plan on getting there... Which is a comforting feeling. but then again misery loves company right? Maybe that is what I am feeling misery.  How can I be in misery when I know that if nothing else God will make a way for me to be where I need to be? How is that so hard to remember though? That what will be will be? life goes on I guess.  

If you are interested in seeing how this thing turns out or have any helpful tips let me know. If you are out there...